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Client: Visa Europe

Sector: Financial

Project type: Online payment system

Disciplines: Workshops | Responsive design | Asset creation | User testing | Transactional screen design | Prototyping | Stakeholder management | Iterative design process,

Agency: EMC Consulting

Brief is part of Visa Europe’s growing portfolio of products enabling frictionless commerce for retailers and consumers. Offering simple, secure online payments, by Visa is designed to increase the convenience of online shopping, reducing the proportion of sales that are abandoned during the checkout process.


Integration with the agile process of the Visa internal design team and iterative development of visuals and interactions, with the purpose of testing critical user journeys and key pieces of functionality. The creative material needed to be created well ahead of the product team output and comprised of both Visa-branded and financial partners branded, as well as white-labelled visuals.


Designed a large number of screens and prototypes for both desktop and mobile devices to be used in testing sessions in Spain, France, and the UK over a number of months. As a result of our work, the team was regularly provided with meaningful insights about the product design ahead of its design process. In addition, our early material helped by Visa gain critical traction and buy-in from financial partners and merchants. 




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